Alaska and Hawaii, the separate states

Mount McKinley in Alaska

Mount McKinley in Alaska

Alaska and Hawaii, two very different territories, share certain peculiarities. These two are the only states separated from the lower 48 and are also the last two to become part of the USA (they were 49 and 50), and both did so in the same year, which was 1959.

Interestingly, Alaska, which is separated from the US by Canada, is the largest state, but although it is 95 times larger than Hawaii ... due to weather conditions, it is not even home to half the population of this archipelago, which consists of 8 large islands, 137 volcanic islands , 2.400 km long and a heavenly weather that invites tourists to dream of beaches and warmth at any time of the year.

We will highlight a couple of places worth visiting in these distant states that, as we have seen, have many characteristics in common due to their history and the separation from the rest of the formants of the U.S.:

In Alaka, we can visit the huge pipeline that transports oil from Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez. Although if we prefer totally natural landscapes, the arctic tundra of Alaska, which in summer is full of Caribou, seems a suitable place to delight our eyes. The third option would be the mount McKinley, called Denali by the Native Americans, which is the highest in North America reaching 6.149 meters in height.

Finally, in HawaiWe can visit Waikiki Beach, on Oahu, which is one of the most famous in the world, although, something few people know, it was a swamp until the early twentieth century.

If we prefer risky places, we can always go visit Kilauea, on the island of Hawaii, which is the largest active volcano in the world that has already shown its fierceness on many occasions.

Kilauea, in Hawaii

Kilauea, in Hawaii

Have you visited this area? Do you have any other suggestions? Dare to comment, we are looking forward to hearing them!

More information - Natural wonders in a big way in the United States 

Photo - Places to see / HVO

Source - Source - Weldon Owen Pty

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