Tips for traveling alone

Although at first it may give some qualms, especially to inexperienced travelers, the truth is that traveling alone can become an unforgettable, addictive and above all enriching experience. Among its many advantages are the opportunity to spend time with yourself and get to know yourself better, as well as the freedom to make whatever plan you want whenever you want.

If until now you have never been bitten by the bug of traveling alone and you are looking for references before deciding, Here are some tips for solo travel that will turn your getaway into a fascinating experience.

Attentive to offers when traveling alone

Maybe you have planned the trip of your dreams for a long time or maybe you are not sure where to travel alone for the first time. If this is your case and your dates are flexible, we recommend that you pay attention and take advantage of the unique offers that are presented to you to see the world at a lower price. Among the favorite destinations of those who travel alone are Amsterdam, Dublin, New York or Bangkok, cities always ready to welcome with open arms.

How to travel for a whole week with a single carry-on bag

When traveling alone, take precautions

Before the date of the trip, soak up the destination to which you are going to set course. That is, look for information about the place you are going to visit and about its customs. As the saying goes, "where you go do what you see" so that it tries to go unnoticed and not to attract much attention. Above all, avoid attitudes that may upset local people.

On the other hand, find out about the vaccinations necessary for the trip, what language is spoken and the currency used, as well as about visas. Do not forget to scan important documents, such as your passport, and send them to email so that you can get copies immediately in case of theft or loss.

Keep communication

If you are going to travel alone, it is important to inform your closest friends of the plans you have during the trip so that they know where to reach you in case of emergency. This extends to the hotel where you are going to stay or to the hosts of the private house where you are going to stay.

Another option is to keep your social networks active during the trip so that your family can locate you if they need it.


Plan your route when traveling alone

When traveling alone to a destination that we do not know, it is very important that we plan the route we want to do. At least in the first days. This will help you have better control of the area and feel more secure.

Make a plan with the arrival time at the destination airport, the hotel address, the distance to the tourist attractions you want to visit, etc. Give your family a copy of that plan with the telephone number of the place where you will be staying when traveling alone and the address.

Research how to get around

Once you have the itinerary it is convenient that you look for information about the transport system. While it is true that you can do it once you are at the destination, doing it in advance of traveling will only save you time and even fall into a tourist trap.

Memorize the surroundings

When you arrive at the hotel it is essential that you observe the area and the shops to locate yourself. Also look for emergency services and local phones in case you need to identify it.

Tourist walking

When it comes to traveling, you have to enjoy every step

Meet people

If when it comes to traveling what you don't like is loneliness, don't worry. Traveling alone is the best way to make friends! And is that when traveling alone we are more likely to start a conversation with strangers. In fact, normally more people than we think use to travel alone, so it is not unusual to find a group made up of solo travelers.

Either in the hostel or during a tour there will always be someone to talk to and share a few days together traveling the same destination. So now you know, get rid of shyness and go meet new people!

Manage your free time

Since when you travel alone there are likely to be dead times, it is advisable that you always have something to do in your free time: excursions, walks, shopping day, visit to cultural places, etc.

A good idea is to make a travel diary in which you record that enriching experience that is traveling alone. You can also take a photographic record of your visits and make an incredible report that will last for posterity.

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