Moroccan customs

Morocco Market

We have heard a lot about Morocco, an African country that is very close to Spain. But they don't always tell us positive things about him, but rather negative things about the people who cross the pond in search of a better life in Europe. While it is true that this is a country that is still developing, the reality is that, as with all places, it also has its friendly "face".

And it is that "face" that I am going to talk about in this article. Well, there is much to see and much to enjoy here, in a small corner in the northwest of the African continent. Learn about the customs of Morocco.

Morocco is a country that has influence, of course African, but also Arabic and Mediterranean. It has many traditions and customs that should be known so that we can spend a dream vacation in this place. And they are the following:

Tea consumption

Moroccan tea

It is one of the most deeply rooted customs. Because it is very, very hot in Africa, Moroccans have always had tea at any time. This is a drink that they even get to share with guests, guests or with shop visitors. It is also a hospitality sign, one of the many 😉. In Morocco guests will always be well received, even if it is a person who barely knows each other, sometimes they are also invited to eat.

Religion, islam

Hassan Mosque

In Morocco the most important religion is Islam. They worship a god, Allah, and worship him daily. In fact they pray 5 times up to date:

  • Fahr: sunrise before sunrise.
  • Zuhr: zenith.
  • Asr: mid afternoon before sunset.
  • Maghrib: to become night.
  • Isha: at night.

Scattered throughout the territory there are many mosques, such as the Agadir Mosque, which is the largest of all. This has a high tower, some very beautiful doors and filigree on the walls ..., but unfortunately, entry is forbidden to "infidels". If you are not Muslim you can only enter the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, which is the third largest in the world. It is built in polished marble, and has really very nice mosaics. The minaret exceeds 200 meters in height, thus becoming the tallest in the world.

Human contact in public, prohibited

Westerners are a lot to hug each other when they give us great news, even in the middle of the street. This in Morocco is prohibited. Only men can go hand in hand. For them, it is a friendship sign. Public displays of affection between a Muslim man and woman are also not allowed.

The art of haggling

Haggling in Morocco

Can you imagine going shopping in any store on your street and starting to haggle? Most likely it will not suit the seller at all, but in Morocco it is different: if the customer does not bargain, then the seller might take it as an offense. In addition, it is common that the products do not have the price marked, so that people begin to haggle.

In Arab culture it is a very common social act; in fact, it is not seen with good eyes that the seller's price is accepted right off the bat, to the point that the seller can get angry. The usual is propose a much lower price and from that base agree on a more balanced price that benefits both parties.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages

In some restaurants in the country the consumption of alcohol is allowed and alcoholic beverages are served. However, it is not the general rule and the visitor must understand this aspect. Restaurants are not obliged to sell alcohol and it is in very bad taste to consume it on public roads or walk through the streets with a few extra drinks. Respect is essential to enjoy your stay in Morocco.

Family is the most important

Moroccan Family

If there is something that has passed from generation to generation, it is that women must come to marriage virgins. Therefore, pre-marital relationships are prohibited. Marriage is mandatory, and all couples must marry if they do not want to be frowned upon by society.

In addition, the family is sacred for Moroccans, it is the elderly, and especially the elderly, who have the last word when important decisions are made.

It is not rude to leave food on your plate

There is an abundance of food, so if food is left on the plate, nothing happens. It is something that happens very frequently in this country. And by the way, you should know that if you eat with your left hand it is not in very good taste, since they consider it a impure act, because traditionally they use that hand to clean their private parts. Still, you should not worry, since you will only have to avoid using it if you eat without cutlery.

Did you know any of these Moroccan customs? Do you know others?

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  1.   Andrea said

    it is a very interesting country !! I would like to be able to go some day ...
    Very nice page.

  2.   carmen said

    I think that the culture of Morocco is very beautiful

  3.   vir said

    Morocco is a dream, to visit it I have done it on three occasions, the helpful people are different, even though there are many picaresque, it is also not expensive, but… .to live or speak they are still the same as they have barely evolved. despite everything ... I love Morocco.

  4.   khaoula khaoula said

    I love it, it's a country full of culture and I like it

  5.   anonymous said

    This page was very useful to me that father knew the customs of Morocco

  6.   maria said

    I encourage everyone to comment on Morocco and its people, travel at least once in your life there. I am married to a Moroccan and we have a wonderful girl, I have been traveling to Morocco for 7 years and I am fully integrated with my political family, they are wonderful. If we want respect, let us respect ourselves too. The 4 wives thing is false…. like so many atrocities that I read and hear. Do not trust everything you hear if not what you see, I still do not know any man with 4 women, and I have a lot of family there because of my husband….

    1.    Lilliam de Jesus Sanchez said

      Hello Maria, I am meeting a Morocco and I would like to know more about their customs, thank you