Arabic Script

Arabic writing

Arabic writing

According to legend, the Arabic script it is built with letters and clouds, essential vapors, which convey a supernatural message. Expressed in twenty-eight spellings that are written from right to left.

Learning the Arabic language has always been an exciting journey, so a new tool is welcome, especially for speakers of a language that, like Spanish, count it as one of their main roots.

As true as this is that it is enough to peer out to appreciate its main features:
• Writing is done from right to left, but numbers are read from left to right.
• Lacks capital letters.
• Letters are written differently if they are located at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the word.
• His writing is always italic and does not admit hyphens that divide a word due to insufficient space in the line. On the contrary, the letters can be lengthened at will to cover the entire line.
• Your writing is defective. That is, just as in modern sms it could be written “dsd ntcs nstv” and read “since then you have not been seen”, in the Arabic language words are written without vowels, incompletely. The correct reading is given by the context.
• This is possible since the words have a root constructed, usually with three letters. The presence of the vowels determines the difference between the words related to that root idea. This is the case of the root KTB, referring to the idea of ​​writing, from which kataba (he wrote), kutiba (it was written) and Kutub (books) are derived. When vowels are present they are diacritics, dots and rhombuses above and below the writing line.
• Unlike English, Arabic is read as it is written.
• For many centuries Arabic as a script was only used to spread the Qur'an.

Photo: Nanie´s World

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