Important Roman Theaters

Un Roman Theatre It is a typical construction made by the Roman empire. The purpose of these theaters was to serve for the interpretation of theatrical acts. Let's get to know some of the most famous Roman theaters in the world.

Let's start by mentioning the roman theater of verona, a construction dating from the time of Augustus and that very occasionally serves for the performance of plays, creating a very special atmosphere among the audience. It is worth noting that it is located near the Ponte di Pietra.

In Mérida, Spain we find the Roman Theater of Mérida, which was built by order of Marco Vipsanio Agripa. You will be interested to know that the theater dates from the year 15 a. During the second century, during the reign of Trajan, the theater was remodeled. It was also restored between 330 and 340, during the time of Constantine. It is worth noting that since 2007 it is considered one of the 12 Treasures of Spain.

In France we find Roman Theater of Orange, which was built in the 103st century, during the reign of Caesar Augustus. You will be interested to know that it is considered one of the best preserved Roman theaters in the world. Today it still has the scene wall with its original elevation, which is 37 meters long by 1981 meters high. Since XNUMX, it has been part of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

Finally we recommend visiting the Roman theater of Caesaraugusta, which dates from the XNUMXst century AD. C., and is located in Zaragoza, Spain.

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