Maldives culture

photo credit: daniel well

Culture of Maldives recognizes various sources and its development has been influenced by various factors. Relevant has been its proximity to Sri Lanka and southern India, east of Africa, to the archipelago Malay and Middle East as a result of his conversion to Islam in the twelfth century, as well as its location in the Indian Ocean at the crossroads of various maritime routes.

photo credit: daniel well

There are also elements of origin Arabic, African, and Indonesian. Culture of Maldives share many characteristics with Sri Lanka and Kerala, in particular a strong tradition matriarchal.

photo credit: javic

La music of the Maldives, such as the Bodu Beru (literally "big drum"), recognizes african roots, while other cultural characteristics have similarities with arabic elements and the northern regions of india.

photo credit: javic

A particular feature of the society Maldives is a tasa very high divorce rate compared to values usual in Islamic countries or the South of Asia, this shows the high degree of autonomy that the women of Maldives have about their lives.

photo credit: javic

La society of the Maldives is an almost exclusively islamic. But isolation Maldives of the historic centres Islam in the Middle East and Asia has allowed some beliefs and attitudes pre-Islamic survive. There is a widespread belief in jinns, or spirits wicked. For protection against these evils, people often turn to Charms or magical art.

photo credit: javic

The degree of these beliefs has led some scholars to consider there is a system magical-religious parallel to Islam known as fanditha, which provides islanders with a more personal way of dealing with problems in their lives. However this is a tradition that today only subsists in the areas rural.

photo credit: daniel well

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