How were the pyramids of Egypt built?

The pyramids of Egypt are one of the great mysteries of the world. They are something incredible, especially when you listen to the theories that have been woven and continue to be woven around their construction, their builders and their function.

graves? Giant batteries? Extraterrestrial technology or just a superhuman effort? You, to what theory about how the pyramids of egypt were built do you ascribe?

The pyramids of Egypt

If you are looking for information about the pyramids, first you will find a lot of "academic", "official" data, which refer to them as royal crypts built by the pharaohs of this ancient civilization at least a few three thousand years before Christ.

Well, the reality is that many doubt this information, and we know well that the academy does not like to doubt itself, so surely you have heard this version a thousand times. The pyramids are actually very close to the city of Cairo, a few kilometers to the south. They rest on the left bank of the Nile. According to ancient beliefs, the west is the realm of the dead and the east that of the living.

Along with the pyramids there is a small group of royal necropolises. The Saqqara plateau was very important for the construction of necropolises, but Giza It is without a doubt the one that summons us today. It is north of Saqqara, in the suburbs of the Egyptian capital. It is a rocky plateau above the Nile valley, and the pyramids are just eight kilometers from the Nile River.

They are very close, but even so, tourists are recommended not to embark on the adventure alone and to sign up for a tour or hire the services of a taxi.

How were the pyramids built

La orthodox explanation says that the pyramids were built during the last phase in the construction of pyramids, which included more pyramids than these three that we are talking about today and that are the most popular, in the Fourth Dynasty, around the year 2500 BC It is no longer of stepped pyramids but of smooth walls: the pyramids of Cheops, Kefren and Micerino.

Without giving exact details on the construction techniques, They are all theories among them the one that has more acceptance is the following: first the constructors they flattened the rocky ground, they dug flood channels to mark the level, and thus gave shape to the horizontal and perfectly flat base. Filled the grooves the underground chamber was excavated y they started to build up.

The huge and heavy stone blocks were cut into quarries that were very close, and others from further south of the kingdom were also transported, using large barges. After those blocks they went sledding that with a lot of effort they dragged themselves to their final place. All very well but...

Obviously one thing is to explain the construction of the pyramids and quite another is to present evidence that it was indeed that way. Was it ramps or was it scaffolding or bleachers? Was it a ramp that gradually grew in height? Was it many ramps?

A few years ago scientists from the University of Liverpool and the French Institute of Oriental Archeology they were excavating an old quarry in Hatnub and came upon the remains of a ramp flanked by two stairways with post holes. This finding tilts the balance in favor of academicism, but it must be said that alabaster, the quarry is made of that stone, is lighter than the granite with which the pyramids were built, so it clarifies things a bit but the shadows they're still there...

And who worked so long and with so much effort? It was first assumed that thousands of slaves, obviously, but later it was said that the builders were free men and as proof is presented the tomb of workers that was recently found near the pyramids. Twelve skeletons were found almost three meters deep and this finding was added to one that took place in the '70s when a workers' village was found with bone remains of cows, thousands, and also of fish.

Tombs, human bones that show hard work, thousands of animal bones that in turn speak of food for thousands of workers... everything was added up and thus we have some evidence that supports the official version of the construction of the pyramids of Egypt.

Other versions of how the pyramids were built

Before the official version, the one that they teach in the faculty and in the schools and many times you see in the documentaries, there are others. If you ask me, well, I don't have certainties and I like to ask myself questions. It is hard to imagine thousands and thousands of people working for years moving huge blocks of stone, polishing the faces to a modern polish... I am not saying that man is not capable of wonders, but why can't one wonder if there wasn't something else?

The fact that we are talking about pyramids is a good starting point to make us new questions: There are pyramids all over the world so that could mean that at some point there was a common civilization in which pyramids played an important role. On the other hand, no mummies have been found inside the pyramids and the internal design is extremely rare. It is even known that the name of Cheops that was found at the beginning of the XNUMXth century on one of the inner walls was written by the English explorer who managed to enter.

I don't know, it's hard to imagine so much devotion or so much perfection with the tools of that time. It is not known how they were built and it is not known how they achieved such perfection in cutting and polishing these huge and heavy blocks of red granite. And how did they get them up and place them one on top of the other? Either. And the pyramidion from the tip, that solid granite top covered with metal? Either.

I don't think about aliens, although it is an interesting idea, but I can imagine certain knowledge inherited from some advanced terrestrial civilization that was lost in the mists of time. Does the myth of Atlantis ring a bell? I don't know if it goes by that name, but why not think that at some point there was an advanced civilization, perhaps not as advanced as ours but in a different way, with technology capable of building everything that has come down to our days in the form of megalithic?

Why the pyramids are not the only gigantic constructions in the world. And if one goes to find out the cosmogonies of many civilizations there are more coincidences than disagreements. I have heard everything and everything is interesting to me. did you hear about the theory that the Great Pyramid is a kind of cell or battery? A group of researchers from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, Russia, confirmed that under certain conditions the Great Pyramid is capable of concentrating electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base.

If radio waves are applied to the structure, and if the length of that wave resonates with the dimensions of the pyramid, the pyramid itself is a channel for radiation. The wavelength of 200 to 600 meters resonates with the pyramid and these researchers, using a mathematical model, were able to measure the response of the building and in what proportion the energy is reflected or absorbed at the moment of resonance.

More theories, less theories, hopefully one day we really know who built the pyramids, how and for what purpose. On each of these points there are hypotheses, of greater or lesser strength, with sharp and detractors, but how good it would be to have no doubts and facts!

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